2015 - 2017 |
Qi Li#, Jiechen Wang#, Jianwei Ye#, Xixi Zheng, Xiaoli Xiang, Changsheng Li, Miaomiao Fu, Qiong Wang, Zhiyong Zhang and Yongrui Wu. (2017). The maize imprinted gene Floury3 encodes a PLATZ protein required for tRNA and 5S rRNA transcription through interaction with RNA polymerase III. Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.17.00576.
Changsheng Li, Yongcai Huang, Yongrui Wu and Wenqin Wang* (2017). The Genetic Architecture of Amylose Biosynthesis in Maize Kernel. Plant Biotechnology Journal, doi: 10.1111/pbi.12821.
Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing (2017), ‘Understanding and improving protein traits in maize’, in Watson, D. (ed.), Achieving sustainable cultivation of maize Vol 1: From improved varieties to local applications, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK (ISBN: 978 1 78676 008 1).
Jun Yang, Chen Ji and Yongrui Wu (2016). Divergent transactivation of maize storage protein zein genes by transcription factors opaque2 and OHPs. Genetics, 116.192385.
Zhiyong Zhang, Xixi Zheng, Jun Yang, Joachim Messing* and Yongrui Wu* (2016). Maize endosperm-specific transcription factors O2 and PBF network the regulation of protein and starch synthesis. PNAS, 113(39):10842-7.
Hongjun Liu#, Junpeng Shi#, Chuanlong Sun, Hao Gong, Xingming Fan, Fazhan Qiu, Xuehui Huang, Qi Feng, Xixi Zheng, Ningning Yuan, Changsheng Li, Zhiyong Zhang, Yiting Deng, Jiechen Wang, Guangtang Pan, Bin Han, Jinsheng Lai, Yongrui Wu (2016). Gene duplication confers enhanced expression of 27-kDa γ-zein for endosperm modification in Quality Protein Maize. PNAS, 113(18):4964-9.
Zhiyong Zhang#, Jun Yang# and Yongrui Wu (2015). Transcriptional Regulation of Zein Gene Expression in Maize through the Additive and Synergistic Action of opaque2, Prolamine-Box Binding Factor, and O2 Heterodimerizing Proteins. Plant Cell, 27: 1162–1172.
Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing. Proteome Balancing of the Maize Seed for Higher Nutritional Value (2014). Frontiers in Plant Science, 5:240. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00240.
Zhihong Lang#, David M. Wills#, Zachary H. Lemmon, Laura M. Shannon, Robert Bukowski, Yongrui Wu, Joachim Messing and John F. Doebley (2014). Defining the role of prolamin-box binding factor1 gene during maize domestication. Journal of Heredity, doi:10.1093/jhered/esu019.
Wenqin Wang, Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing (2014). RNA-Seq transcriptome analysis of Spirodela dormancy without reproduction. BMC Genomics, 15:60. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-60.
Yongrui Wu, Lingling Yuan, Xiaomei Guo, David Holding and Joachim Messing (2013). Mutation in the seed storage protein kafirin creates a high-value food trait in sorghum. Nature Communications, 4: doi:10.1038/ncomms3217.
Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing (2012). Rapid divergence of prolamin gene promoters of maize after gene amplification and dispersal. Genetics, 192: 507-519.
Yongrui Wu, Wenqin Wang and Joachim Messing (2012). Balancing of sulfur storage in maize seed. BMC Plant Biology, 12: 77.
Wenqin Wang, Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing (2012). The mitochondrial genome of an aquatic plant, Spirodela polyrhiza. PLoS ONE, 7(10): e46747.
Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing (2012). RNA interference can rebalance the nitrogen sink of maize seeds without losing hard endosperm. PLoS ONE, 7(2): e32850
Mihai Miclaus, Yongrui Wu, Jian-Hong Xu, Hugo Dooner and Joachim Messing (2011). The Maize High-lysine Mutant opaque7 is Defective in an acyl-CoA Synthetase-like Protein. Genetics, 189, 1271-1280.
Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing (2011). Novel Genetic Selection System for Quantitative Trait Loci of Quality Protein Maize. Genetics, 188 (4): 1019-1022.
Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing (2010). Rescue of a dominant mutant with RNA interference. Genetics, 186: 1493-1496.
Wenqin Wang, Yongrui Wu, Yiheng Yan, Marina Ermakova, Randall Kerstetter, and Joachim Messing (2010). DNA barcoding of the Lemnaceae, a family of aquatic monocots. BMC Plant Biology, 10: 205.
Yongrui Wu, David Holding and Joachim Messing (2010). Gamma zeins are essential for endosperm modification in Quality Protein Maize. PNAS, 107: 12810-12815.
Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing (2010). RNA Interference-Mediated Change in Protein Body Morphology and Seed Opacity through Loss of Different Zein Proteins. Plant Physiology, 153: 337-347.
Yongrui Wu, Wolfgang Goettel and Joachim Messing (2009). Non-Mendelian inheritance of the regulation of methionine storage in maize seeds. Theor. Appl. Genet., 119: 721-731.
Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing (2010). Tissue-specifity of storage protein genes has evolved with younger gene copies. Maydica, 54: 409-415.
Yujun Zhang#, Yongrui Wu#, Yilei Liu, and Bin Han (2005). Computational identification of 69 retroposons in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 138(2): 935-48. (* The authors contributed equally to this work.)
Ying Lu#, Yongrui Wu#, and Bin Han (2005). Anaerobic Induction of Isocitrate Lyase and Malate Synthase in Submerged Rice Plants Indicates the Important Metabolic Role of the Glyoxylate Cycle. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 37(6): 406-14. (* The authors contributed equally to this work.)
Qi Feng, et al, Yongrui Wu, et al, Bin Han. Sequence and analysis of rice chromosome 4. Nature, 420 (21): 336-340.
Qiang Zhao, et al, Yongrui Wu, et al, Bin Han (2002). A fine physical map of the rice chromosome 4. Genome Research, 12 (5): 817-823. |