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Maize Endosperm Development and Genetic Improvement Group  
  March 14, 2025


Haihai Wang

Position: Associate Professor
Place of birth: Shanxi, province
Languages: English, Chinese

Contact: 86-21-54924340, hhwang@sibs.ac.cn

 Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 300 Fenglin Road, District Xuhui Shanghai, 200032


1. 09/2016 - Present: Associate Researcher, Maize Endosperm Development and Genetic Improvement Group, SIPPE.

2.07/2009 -08/2016: Molecular mechanism of poplar wood formation, SIPPE


09/2004 - 06/2009: Ph.D, mechanism of cotton fiber development, Nanjing Agricultural University.

Invited keynote

2016, The 4th International Conference on Plant Vascular Biology (PVB 2016), Shenzhen, China






1. Molecular mechanism of maize hard endosperm
2. Molecular mechanism of kern filling

Academic home page



1. Wang HH, Jin YL, Wang CT, Li B, Jiang CM, Sun ZC, Zhang ZP, Kong FJ, Zhang HX*. (2017) Fasciclin-like arabinogalactan proteins, PtFLAs, play important roles in GA-mediated tension wood formation in Populus. Scientific Reports 7, 6182.
2. Jin YL, Tang RJ, Wang HH, Jiang CM, Bao Y, Yang Y, Liang MX, Sun ZC, Kong FJ, Li B, Zhang HX *. (2017) Overexpression of Populus trichocarpa CYP85A3 promotes growth and biomass production in transgenic trees. Plant Biotechnology Journal 15, 1309-1321.
3. Wang CT, Yang Y, Wang HH, Ran XJ, Li B, Zhang JT, Zhang HX*. (2016) Ectopic expression of a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase gene PtCYP714A3 from Populus trichocarpa reduces shoot growth and improves tolerance to salt stress in transgenic rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 14, 1838-51.
4. Wang HH, Jiang CM, Wang CT, Yang Y, Gao XY and Zhang HX*. (2015) Antisense expression of the fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein PtFLA6 gene in Populus inhibits expression of its homologous genes and alters stem biomechanics and cell wall composition in transgenic trees. Journal of Experimental Botany 66, 1291–1302.
5. Wang HH, Tang RJ, Wang CT, Liu SC, Gai Y, Jiang XN, Zhang HX*. (2015) Functional repression of PtSND2 represses growth and development by disturbing auxin biosynthesis, transport and signaling in transgenic poplar. Tree Physiology 35, 95-105.
6. Wang XQ, Wang HH, Shi CH, Zhang XY, Duan Ke, Luo J*. (2015) Morphological, cytological and fertility consequences of aspontaneous tetraploid of the diploid pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivar ‘Cuiguan’. Scientia Horticulturae 189, 59–65.
7. Lv FN, Wang HH, Wang XY, Han LB, Ma YP, Wang S, Feng ZD, Niu XW, Cai CP, Kong ZS, Zhang TZ, Guo WZ*. (2015) GhCFE1A, a dynamic linker between ER network and actin cytoskeleton, plays an important role in cotton fiber cell initiation and elongation. Journal of Experimental Botany 66, 1877–1889.
8. Wang HH, Tang RJ, Liu H, Chen HY, Liu JY, Jiang XN and Zhang HX*. (2013) Chimeric repressor of PtSND2 severely affects wood formation in transgenic Populus. Tree Physiology 33, 878-886.
9. Wang HH, Wang CT, Liu H, Tang RJ, Zhang HX*. (2011) An efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and regeneration system for leaf explants of two elite aspen hybrid clones Populus alba X P. berolinensis and Populus davidiana X P. bolleana. Plant Cell Reports 30, 2037-2044.
10. Wang HH, Guo Y, Lv FN, Zhu HY, Wu SJ, Jiang YJ, Li FF, Zhou BL, Guo WZ*, Zhang TZ*. (2010) The essential role of GhPEL gene, encoding a pectate lyase, in cell wall loosening by depolymerization of the de-esterified pectin during fiber elongation in cotton. Plant Mol Biol, 72:397-406.
11. Wu SJ, Wang HH, Li FF, Chen TZ, Zhang J, Jiang YJ, Ding YZ, Guo WZ, Zhang TZ*. (2008) Enhanced Agrobacterium-mediated transformation by improving selection and subculture of embryogenic calli in Upland cotton. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 26: 174-185 (co-first author).